Saturday, January 7, 2012


I like the idea that something you say may well be written into the history books. As a writer, it is amazing to think that a few words will be worthy of notation for future generations to read. What will our children's children be quoting; let's hope it isn't some text abbreviation! As for me I am hoping that they will be quoting from an extraordinary novel such as The Book Thief  written by Marcus Zusak. I don't know but please let it be something other than reality television; misogynistic rap songs or Facebook lingo!

This blog will look at what I consider some of the most inspiring quotes that have come from the mouths of those who transformed literature and the world. There have been famous words that every literate person knows such as 'I have a dream...' beautifully expressed by Martin Luther King Jr and 'History will be kind to me because I intend to write it' said by Winston Churchill; these have all influenced how we see the world but it is the little known quotes that I like the most. The ones you may find hidden in some miscellaneous cheap book found in a box at your local trash & treasure market or those small comments that a friend has said that you find profound. Although not famous yet some of these quotes have spoken to me and I hope now to you!

Stay tuned for some very interesting words of wisdom; statements of prestige and some words that make you think! Just to get you started here is a small but true quote:

'Literature is a luxury, fiction is a necessity'- G.K Chesterton

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