Friday, January 13, 2012

'Wanting to Write'

It has come to my attention how little there is of jobs that pay you to write. Of course there is the ultimate job available if only a publisher would knock on my door! I am hopeful that this wish will be one that comes true, however opportunities to do what writers do best are few and far between. What I have found is that you have to create your own writing world; I can hear you say 'What does that mean?' It is the place in which you can determine your own opportunities; by creating your own piece of writing such as a blog or a Zine or even applying for volunteer positions somewhere in the writing field. In the future you may be considered for a payed position, so it is always worth some time to get out there and find that unpaid job that just might net you what you want in the end.

To be a writer today with all the added stresses of family and trying to support a home and a car and not to mention the dreaded doctors bills, water bills and electricity bills, can be difficult. I am sure that we all know the pitfalls of being writers and we are extremely adept at counting the pennies, but I would like to think that our optimism in the face of some serious penny pinching is what keeps us going! The dream of one day being rewarded for all those years of living on bread and coffee will somehow be forgotten in the midst of acclaim, as our first book is turned into a Hollywood blockbuster.

So, you are probably wondering where I am going with this rambling; it is the dream that keeps those opportunities flowing. I know that to obtain that dream takes gumption, strength and determination; so find that unpaid position that gets your name out there; write that novel you have always wanted to write and create your own opportunities. The alternative is to sit back and wait for that well-dressed publisher to come knocking on your door (the door of the unknown writer).

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work" - Thomas A Edison.

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