Monday, January 9, 2012

'Using Your Imagination'

IMAGINATION: 'the faculty or action of producing mental images of what is not present or in one's experience' OR 'creative mental ability' - Collins Australian Dictionary 2006.

I would have to say that this definition of imagination  can only be described as 'accurate'. However, it is noted that one's ability to imagine worlds beyond their own and write them down for all to experience is somewhat a hard task for any writer! Once you have tapped into the child like imagination that we as adults have lost in some way, we can spread the virus that is the fantasy of story writing and give pleasure to all those buying bookworms!

It can be said that to say something worth writing down is using that part of us that stems from our childhood daydreams; clever inventions of who or what we want to be, a fireman; a teacher; an astronaut; a writer! Or from our dreams at night we visualize ourselves flying like Superman or becoming a movie star. As for seven year old me, well I use to daydream about becoming a dancer; a ballerina; a great vocalist and a mother. One out of three ain't bad! When I was about ten, I wanted to write a best selling children's book like Enid Blyton's The Wishing Chair (my favourite childhood book) and travel the world signing copies for all my fans!

What I have realised is that one's imagination precedes all the responsibilities of becoming an adult and that we have forgotten just what our seven year old selves dreamt about! What I have learnt about being a writer is that maybe just maybe, those with the gift of telling or showing a story, didn't lose their childhood enthusiasm for everything magical!

So for all those writers out there; I commend thee for lifting our spirits with daydreams of world's far far away!

"Imagination is the highest kite one can fly" - Lauren Bacall

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